This is everything, I think, you need to know about toppers…

Since my hair grew back and now I have something to work with I started trying out lots of toppers. Here on my online shop, I bring you only but the best and my favs!

If you want to hide some roots or bald patches, or even just add volume and more of a quality look to your hair, a topper is what you should definitely try!

Whether its human hair or synthetic hair you prefer, in my rage of toppers I have you covered. You will see however, I tend to lean over to the synthetic side. This is a personal preference, everyone has a different stance on human hair v synthetic and all opinions are valid. So I have tried to incorporate both.

BUT this is my favourite by a long way, and I wear her all the time…

Colours and how to choose…

There are so many colours and as we know, every screen is different and every lighting too, I try to take the most realistic pictures but it is difficult to buy wigs on line I totally know how this feels first hand. That is why I have made some videos and taken some extra pictures to hopefully assist your colour choice.

Here is a video to, hopefully, better explain the colours…

(Sorry its only available in English at the moment, I am working on more languages at the moment)

How to install your beautiful topper…

Dedicated to my eldest sister who has just been introduced to the world of toppers LOL. She has always had dark hair and wanted to cover up her silver roots. She did try going blonde but it was damage that her already thin hair, couldn’t withstand and it really didn’t suite her (hopefully she doesn’t read this LOL)

For complete beginners (like my sister)…

Its so easy, but you need to have a play and get used to installing. This is my advise.

Its as easy as combing your hair down and clipping the pressure clips down until its fixed in place and  you feel like you could join a rock and roll band and you wouldn’t have a hair slip!

At first it feels weird, give it time, just like anything. I always advise, go and wear it to your local supermarket, you will be so scared someone will shout out at you like in a movie or something, that its a wig. Trust me… THIS WILL NOT HAPPEN! Be brave, be bold, be you. You´ve got this!

No one is going to know, they might ask if you have been to the hairdresser! This always happens to me. Its totally up to you to divulge your beauty secret. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don´t. Go easy on yourself and try alternate hair at your own pace! Its not a race! It took me about a month to feel myself again while wearing wigs! It took me that long to realise I looked awesome, even though everyone was complimenting me, I did not believe it. So take it from me, its a difficult road, due to the stigma. But it should not be! Wigs are fun! We should be normalising wigs. Especially now in this day and age!

Check out this tutorial below:

Hair Topper Tutorial

Selected Products From My Toppers Range

All of my synthetic wigs and are made from 100% recycled materials, BPA free and responsibly handmade.

I hope this has been helpful. If you would like help or advice on the best wig or topper for you, please contact me directly for advice. I will always personally reply, I am always happy to chat.



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